What can I say about me? I'm a 50-something wife and mother to begin with. My husband, P, and I have been together since 1980, and married since 1983, so I think I'll keep him! Our only daughter, L, was born in 1986. Since 1980 we've lived in Birmingham; a small town in the north east of England, called Birtley; Merthyr Tydfil, in south Wales; and now, Aberystwyth, in west Wales. I also lived in New Zealand, during the 1970's.

I've had lots of different jobs, growing up, but I haven't worked for some years due to health problems. Yes, I'm a lady of leisure! Hence all the websites and domains. I have a lot of time, and I am addicted to domains! I also write a lot of letters to penpals, read a good deal.

We have two pet hens named Shelley and Buttercup. I'm a Pagan, and piscean. Anything else you want to know, you can find out by looking around this site, and my others.